Sunday, September 4, 2011

VBS 2011 Staff Meeting promo - Bethpage Church

One of the highlight of every year at Bethpage Church is VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! YAAAAAAAY! Every year fun-loving people from our Church Family come together to provide our community a week of non-stop, high energy, Bible based entertainment & teaching for kids unlike any other. Our unique approach draws in kids from all over long island and leaves a lasting impact. Where else can you find a pink clown in a wedding gown on horseback (literally), our Church Elder riding a motorcycle down the sanctuary aisle (again literally), a santa sleigh time machine, pirates overtaking the Church, a real live nativity scene chock full of live animals, epic sword battles between good and evil, a full sized car parked on stage and fifty crazy teenagers dancing their hearts out? THE ANSWER?......ONLY HERE! You don't want to miss this....seriously

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